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    江苏专转本 >试题题库 > 英语 > 2012年江苏专转本英语阅读理解真题


    2020-06-24 16:19:59    来源:江苏专转本    点击: 考生交流群+加入
      In California the regulators, the utilities and the governor all want the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to cap spot (现货的) market prices. The Californians claim it will rein in outrageous prices. Federal regulators have refused. The battle is on. 
      Governor Gray Davis says,“I’m not happy with the Federal Regulatory Commission at all. They’re living in an ivory tower. If their bills were going up like the people in San Diego, they would know that this is a real problem in the real world.” 
      As part of deregulation, price caps were removed to allow for a free market. Timing is everything; natural gas prices had already skyrocketed. Demand was high from California’s booming economy. No new power plants had been built here in ten years, and power producers had the right to hike prices along with demand. And hike them they did. 
      Loretta Lynch of the Public Utilities Commission says,” This commission and all of California was beating down the door of federal regulators to say‘help us impose reasonable price caps to help to keep our market stable.” 
      Federal regulators did ask for longer-term contracts between power producers and the utilities to stabilize prices. The federal commission, unavailable for comment on this story, released a recent statement defending its position not to re-regulate. 
      Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Dec. 15,2000: “The commission?s intention is to enable the markets to catch up to current supply and demand problems and not to reintroduce command and control regulation that has helped to produce the current crisis.” 
      Some energy experts believe that, without temporary price caps, the crisis will continue. 
      Severin Borenstein of the U.C. Energy Institute says,“Some federal regulators have a blind commitment to making the market work and I think part of the problem is they really don? understand what?s going on.” 
      Gary Ackerman of the Western Power Trading Forum says,“He’s dead wrong about that. The federal regulators understand far better than any individual state that, though it might be painful and it certainly is painful in California, price caps don’t work. They never work.”
    16. The battle between Californians and federal regulators is about .
    A) control over the price of power 
    B) necessity of removing price caps 
    C) hiking the energy prices in California 
    D) a regulation concerning power supply
    17. Governor Gray Davis was dissatisfied with the Federal Regulatory Commission because . 
    A) they did not know what the real problem was 
    B) they were living an easy life in an ivory tower
    C) they could not experience the life in San Diego D) they turned a blind eye to the situation in California 
    D) have contracts signed between power producers and the utilities
    18. The Federal Commission uncapped the energy price with the intention to . 
    A) help California’s economy booming steadily 
    B) prevent power price from going up any further 
    C) enable the market to deal with supply and demand problems 
    D) have contracts signed between power producers and the utilities
    19. To help keep prices from going higher, people and groups in California . 
    A) imposed reasonable price caps 
    B) beat down the door of federal regulators 
    C) urged the federal authorities to take action 
    D) struggled against federal policy to hike prices
    20. Energy experts against price caps believe that . 
    A) the present situation in California will continue unless there is price control 
    B) the current crisis is partly attributed to previous command and control policy 
    C) price caps can temporarily solve energy problems an individual state meets with 
    D) they do understand what is going on in California and will take proper measures
      文章报道了美国加州就是否对能源价格进行控制这一问题进行的辩论,一方面,加州管理者、公用事业公司和州长都强烈要求对加州的能源价格实施限制,另一方面,联邦能源管理委员会坚决反对,认为以前取消价格限制的目的是为了让市场来调节供求,不会再人为干预价格(not to re-regulate)。文中许多地方采用直接引语,反映各自观点。 
    16. A) 细节理解题 题目是“加州人和联邦管理者之间的斗争是关于什么”,依据第一段,加州人要求“to cap spot market prices(控制现货市场价格)”,但联邦管理者拒绝了,A项正确;B)“取消价格控制的必要性”;C)“提高加州的能源价格”;D)“对电力供应的调节”,均与第一段不符。 
    17. D) 语义理解题 题干中的“dissatisfied with”与第二段中的“not happy with”是一致的,第二段字面理解为“他们生活在象牙塔中,如果他们的支付账单像圣第亚哥的人那样不断增加,他们就会理解这确实是个问题”,Gray Davis州长并非真的说联邦管理者生活优越或者不了解加州的问题(文章最后一段提及他们知道情况),而是说他们对加州的问题熟视无睹,不愿采取措施。 
    18. C) 细节理解题 本题题干对应第三段第一句,以前取消价格控制的目的是“to allow for a free market”,“free market”的含义在第六段进一步阐述为“to enable the markets to catch up to current supply and demand problems(让市场来解决目前的供求问题)”,所以答案为C。 
    19. C) 细节判断题 题干“为了有助于抑制价格的进一步上涨,加州的个人和团体干什么”,从全文特别是第一段可以判断,他们敦促联邦当局采取措施,C项正确。A)“实施合理的价格控制”,是要求政府做而不是他们自己做,不对;B)“敲打联邦管理者的门”,文中是比喻说法,并非真的敲门;D)“与政府提高价格的政策进行斗争”,与文章不符。
    20. B) 观点判断题 问的是反对价格控制的专家们的观点。A)“除非有价格控制,否则加州目前的局面将会继续”,这是赞成价格控制者的观点,不对;B)“目前的危机部分归咎于以前指令控制政策”,正确,依据是第六段“command and control regulation that has helped to produce the current crisis”;C)“价格控制只能暂时解决一个州的能源问题”,不对,文章在最后一段最后一句说“They never work”;D项中后半句“将采取措施”,与原文不符。












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